Regata da Volta do Avião 2020 foi sensacional!

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Regata da Volta do Avião 2020 foi sensacional!

As embarcações Zeus (Day Sailer), Caso Sério (Dingue) e 115125 (Hobie Cat) venceram a Regata da Volta do Avião no último sábado (28/11). A partida aconteceu em frente à subsede do Cabanga em Maria Farinha, no Rio Timbó. A regata contou com 16 embarcações e seguiu até a Coroa do Avião, retornando, ao fim, ao ponto inicial, onde estava a linha de chegada. Em seguida, aconteceu a premiação.

No Day Sailer, o grande vencedor foi o Zeus, dos veleajadores Renê Hutzler e Félix Mendonça. Em segundo, ficou o Odisseu, com Antonio Nunes e Vinícius Siqueira, seguido do Black Jack, de Rogério Carvalheira e Felipe.

Já no Dingue, o Caso Sério de Hanz Hutzler e Felipe foi o grande campeão, seguido pelo Kwasy Sério com a dupla Araújo e Elaine e o Kamikaze, com Gustavo e Luciana Borba.

Por fim, na classe Aberta, a embarcação 115125 de Ricardo Dubeux e Isabela garantiu o primeiro lugar no Hobie Cat.

Confira a classificação completa:

Day sailer
1. Zeus (Renê Hutzler/Félix Mendonça)
2. Odisseu (Antonio Antunes/Vinícius Siqueira)
3. Black Jack (Rogério Carvalheira/Felipe)
4. Coraggio (Lucas e Carla Barbalho)
5. Larissa I (José Vieira/Aurélio)
6. Penduick (DSQ) (Yannick Ollivier/Idson Fagner)
7. Lisboa (DNF) (Paulo Castro/Gustavo)
8. Godot (DNF) (Homero Basílio/Jonathas)

1. Caso sério 2 (Hans Hutzler/Felipe)
2. Kwasy sério (Araújo/Elaine)
3. Kamikaze (Gustavo e Luciana Borba)
4. 4724 (Eduardo/Carlos Eduardo)
5. Energia (Alexandre Mercante/Erisson)

1. 115125 (Ricardo Dubeux/Isabela)
2. Oía (José Luiz/Manuela)

Ação & Aventura

The is a portal specialized in Sports of Action and Adventure, Sketches of Action and Adventure, Ecotourism, Environment. Our site is divided into thematic frames to facilitate the reading and visualization of the best videos of the sports you love, thus serving as an incentive and motivator for those who want to start an outdoor sports activity and be happier. In the Track Soundtrack we always bring the news of the sound that is playing in the best cities in the world, through the coverage of events and shows; At the Get in Shape Chart we always have the best tips on Nutrition, Physical Education, Aesthetics, Body and Mind, Fashion; In addition to the Photo Gallery, Weather Bulletin, Tabua de Maré and everything for you to improve the quality of life. A pioneer in this market in Northeastern Brazil, is updated several times a month and aims to provide useful information, products and services, comprehensive and high added value. Through innovations such as the online coverage of events and the creation of specific products, has managed to consolidate itself as a quality brand, becoming the benchmark in the Web. The site www.acaoeaventura is produced and managed by a team led by Ricardo Arantes Dubeux graduated in Civil Engineering and has been sailing since the age of five. Ricardo was the Idealizer, Producer and Presenter of the Action and Adventure Program of the Transamérica FM Radio stations of Recife / PE and João Pessoa / PB and Radio 98 FM - Natal / RN during the period of 2004 to 2006. He is considered one of the greatest supporters of Sports of Action and Adventure of Brazil and in the world, collecting to the site important participations in national and international events, as for example: The world championships of the diverse sport modalities of action and adventure in Europe, South Africa , USA, among others ... Ricardo Arantes Dubeux Sailing Hobie Cat 16 It is worth mentioning that Ricardo Arantes Dubeux is sixth State champions of Hobie Cat 14, Champion of the Brazilian Ranking of Hobie Cat 14, Brazilian Deputy Champion of Hobie Cat 14 and Supercat 17, Third Place in the World Championship of Hobie Cat 14, was awarded the Green Card in the USA, in category E11, ALIEN OF EXTRAORDINARY ABILITIES, due to his achievements in yachting, street racing, cycling, among other sports that he has practiced since I was 5 years old. Between an adventure and another, Ricardo Dubeux supplies the site Action and Adventure. With a highly qualified and targeted audience, the portal offers several possibilities and advantages for its advertisers. Inside the site you may also find a virtual shopping mall and services. When setting up the site our main objective has always been, and will be, to encourage sports practice and consolidate outdoor activities, because they bring people closer to nature, to pleasure for simple things in life, putting into action a responsibility action contributing to the improvement of living conditions on our planet earth. 📷In the site all you need is adventurous spirit and passion for action and for nature, because the rest, the portal offers for you!

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O é um portal especializado em Esportes de Ação e Aventura, Roteiros de Ação e Aventura, Ecoturismo, Meio-Ambiente. O nosso site esta dividido em quadros temáticos para facilitar a leitura e visualização dos melhores vídeos dos esportes que você ama, servindo assim, de incentivador e motivador para quem quer iniciar uma atividade esportiva outdoor e ser mais feliz.