Aussies win Hobie 16 World Masters

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Aussies win Hobie 16 World Masters


Published on November 5th, 2019

The first stage of the 2019 Hobie 16 World Championship was completed with the 54-boat Hobie 16 Master’s International Cup on November 2-5 in Captiva Island, FL. Eligible for helms 45 years and older, Rod and Kerry Waterhouse (AUS) won the 12-race series, finishing six points ahead of Mark and Grace Modderman with Darren Smith/ Claire Bisgood (AUS) four point further back in third.

Next up on November 6-8 is the Hobie 16 Great Grand Masters (65 and older), Hobie 16 Grand Masters (55 and older), Hobie 16 Womens, and Hobie 16 Youth World Championship (under 21). Results.

If you wish to hear what Steve Fields had to say go to the Camera Two Stream. If that hasn’t come up in your feed watch it on   and live here : 

Live Stream


Hi If you scroll down you will see that we had three cameras working simultaneously. During the event you will have the option to check out the action from different views. Have a look for the other views of this stream.

Dê uma rápida olhada no que estava acontecendo nos dias que antecedem a abertura:

Hobie 16 Worlds Set Up Day 2…. Got your sound on?

Day Two Set Up for the 22nd Hobie 16 World Championships on Captiva Island in Florida, USA.#hobie16 #hobie16worlds #hobie16worldscaptiva #southseasislandresort #hobieracing #22ndhobie16worlds #hobieflorida #thebeachesoffortmyersandsanibel #southseasislandresort #liros #offshoresailingschool #wickeddolphin #captivacruises #sunnyislandadventures #stilwellenterprisesandrestaurantgroup #hobiepolarized #cabbagekey #nauticalventures #sanibelcaptivachamberofcommerce #docfords #nauticalventures

Posted by International Hobie Class Association on Monday, October 28, 2019

22nd Hobie 16 Worlds, Captiva Island, Florida, USA.

The Hobie Worlds Team have been slogging away, all day, in the heat and humidity of Captiva Island in Florida, USA. It's day one of preparation of boats for the 22nd Hobie 16 Worlds, which is brought to you by the the Beaches of Fort Myers and Sanibel. The action really heats up from the 1st to the 16th of November when the boats hit the water, with skippers and crew members from more than 20 countries. Have a quick peek at what was happening today.#hobie16 #hobie16worlds #hobie16worldscaptiva #southseasislandresort #hobieracing #22ndhobie16worlds #hobieflorida #thebeachesoffortmyersandsanibel #southseasislandresort #liros #offshoresailingschool #wickeddolphin #captivacruises #sunnyislandadventures #stilwellenterprisesandrestaurantgroup #hobiepolarized #cabbagekey #nauticalventures #sanibelcaptivachamberofcommerce #docfords #nauticalventures

Posted by International Hobie Class Association on Sunday, October 27, 2019

Em português

22º Campeonato Mundial Hobie 16

A International Hobie® Class Association (IHCA) tem o prazer de anunciar o 22º Campeonato Mundial Hobie 16, de 1º de novembro a 16 de novembro de 2019, em Captiva Island, Flórida, EUA. Marinheiros de todo o mundo estarão competindo em três disciplinas do campeonato mundial: Feminino, Jovem e Aberto e três disciplinas adicionais; Masters Cup, Grand Masters Cup e Great Grand Masters Cup.


Foi assinado um contrato de patrocínio entre As Praias de Fort Myers e Sanibel Island, no Condado de Lee, Flórida, e a IHCA. A IHCA também concluiu um acordo com o hotel anfitrião, South Seas Islands Resort, Captiva Island, Flórida.


A IHCA fez um esforço considerável para garantir o evento e está orgulhosa em anunciar que o Campeonato Mundial Hobie 16 está voltando para os EUA, após 35 anos de eventos realizados em outros locais belos do mundo.


O Hobie 16 World Championships é a única classe de veleiros do mundo a fornecer barcos idênticos novos para todos os competidores. A Hobie Cat Company fornecerá os barcos que serão usados ​​exclusivamente no circuito de corridas localizado perto de Sunset Beach, no extremo norte da ilha de Captiva. Isso garante que os campeões mundiais sejam os melhores velejadores, não apenas os velejadores com o equipamento mais caro.


“Temos certeza de que quando os velejadores Hobie de todo o mundo visitarem Fort Myers, suas praias e a Ilha Captiva, ficarão impressionados e continuarão voltando de férias por muitos anos, disse Rich McVeigh, presidente da IHCA.


Doug Skidmore, CEO da Hobie Cat Company, cuja equipe fornece e mantém todos os barcos para garantir a competição mais justa para os velejadores, está ansioso para trazer o campeonato de volta aos EUA – especialmente ao sudoeste da Flórida.

Fort Myers e o South Seas Island Resort são um local perfeito para o Campeonato Mundial Hobie 16 ”, disse Skidmore. “A água, as praias de areia branca, o clima, as pessoas e a localização oferecem algumas das melhores condições de navegação que eu já vi. Como empresa, temos orgulho de ser uma parte importante desses campeonatos mundiais. ‘


As informações do evento estarão acessíveis nos sites da International Hobie Class Association e da Hobie 16 Worlds e incluirão datas, locais, acomodações do anfitrião e outros detalhes relevantes do evento. Para todas as informações sobre o 22º Campeonato Mundial Hobie 16, visite nosso site


Gostaríamos de agradecer aos seguintes patrocinadores e colaboradores; As Praias de Fort Walton e Sanibel, South Seas Island Resort, Escola de Vela Offshore, Liros Unlimited Rope Solutions, Portáteis Aliados, Cruzeiros Captiva, Sunny Island Adventures, Destilaria Wicked Dolphin, Sanibel & Câmara de Comércio Captiva.


Para aqueles que desejam visitar amigos, familiares ou apenas desejam ver e fazer parte do 22º Campeonato Mundial Hobie 16 no South Seas Island Resort, siga estas instruções simples.


A entrada fora do local será no Portão de Entrada do Mar do Sul e prossiga para o registro do hotel. Não se preocupe, eles sabem sobre o Hobie Worlds e esperam convidados como você. Você pagará US $ 5 por carga / veículo. e recebi uma pulseira e um passe de estacionamento. Siga as indicações ao longo da estrada principal para o estacionamento da Captiva Cruises.


Fica a menos de 5 minutos a pé da Hobie Sailing Beach, conhecida como Sunset Beach, embora para os mundos Hobie seja renomeada como Hobie Sailing Beach. Alimentos e bebidas estarão disponíveis em Sunset Beach (somente dinheiro), pois o restante do resort é sem dinheiro. Como você não tem um quarto, não poderá cobrar nada. Portanto, esta é sua única opção para comprar alimentos e bebidas. Existem também banheiros nesta área para seu uso.


A Captiva Cruises fará cruzeiros no hipódromo por uma taxa (TBA) ou você pode se sentir à vontade para relaxar na praia, conhecer os marinheiros e assistir às corridas. Após a corrida, você pode apreciar o pôr do sol na praia com seus amigos Hobie. Você é muito bem-vindo para aproveitar e comprar ingressos para festas nas noites selecionadas.


Cerimônia aberta e boas-vindas aos mestres

Cerimônia de abertura e parte de boas-vindas para mestres – 1 de novembro – $ 50

Banquete do Masters Awards – 5 de novembro – US $ 100

Combo para acima – US $ 125 (incluirá saco de evento / programa / garrafas de água)

Mulheres / Juventude / Grão-mestres / Grandes Grão-mestres Welcome Party

W / Y / GM / GGM Welcome – 6 de novembro – $ 30

W / Y / GM / GGM Awards Banquete – 8 de novembro – US $ 100

Combo para acima – $ 105 (incluirá saco de evento / programa / garrafas de água)

Qualificador / Open Welcome Party e Cut for Qualifier

Qualificador / Open Welcome and Cut for Qualifier – 10 de novembro – $ 50

Cut Party – Frota de Ouro – 14 de novembro – $ 30

Banquete das Finais – 16 de novembro – $ 100

Combo para acima – $ 150 (incluirá saco de evento / programa / garrafas de água)

POR FAVOR, envie um e-mail para Lori Mohney,, e informe a ela quantos ingressos você estará comprando e para quais eventos. Se você tiver restrições alimentares e / ou alergias alimentares, certifique-se de descrever os detalhes em seu e-mail de manifestação de interesse para Lori.

Para notificar o fornecedor do número esperado de participantes em nossos jantares planejados, envie um e-mail o mais rápido possível. No entanto, os ingressos estarão disponíveis no site para participantes de última hora e apenas dinheiro (USD) é o método de pagamento preferido.


Você NÃO é obrigado pelo email de manifestação de interesse. Os preços indicados são em dólares americanos. Os impostos federais / estaduais / municipais / locais são de 11,5%. Os preços listados são exclusivos de impostos. Os impostos são adicionados à sua conta final.


Como o South Seas Resort é um resort sem dinheiro, seu acesso é limitado apenas às áreas de praia e Hobie.


Então, por favor, venha e desfrute da hospitalidade no Hobie Worlds e South Seas Island Resort. Claro, também há muito mais a fazer nas praias de Fort Myers e Sanibel para prolongar suas férias. Nosso site possui muito mais informações para ajudá-lo a aproveitar o Hobie Worlds.

Amendment to Notice of Race to the Hobie 16 World Championships Number 5

Amendment to Notice of Race Number 5

12th August 2019


At registration competitors are required to bring any crew corrector weights if required to meet class minimum crew weight as verified by the official championship’s scales.

Competitors shall also bring their life jacket/PFD that complies with IHCA General Class Rule 8.1 to the registration for inspection.

This changes Notice of Race

Schedule of 2019 Championship Registrations
The Registration Office will be Open as Follows:

To clarify the change to the Notice of Race
IHCA General Class Rule 8.1

The boat shall be equipped with a personal flotation device (PFD)/life jacket at the correct weight category for each crew member to the minimum standard ISO 12402-5 (CE 50 Newtons), or USCG Type III, or Level 50 (previously AUS PFD 2) or Level 50S (previously AUS PFD 3). The IHCA strongly recommends that life jackets or PFDs be worn at all times.

 Crew weights are defined in IHCA General Class Rule 17 and IHCA Hobie 16 Rule 7

 Full IHCA Class Rules can be found at

All the new on the 22nd Hobie 16 Worlds can be found at our web site 

All notice to competitors can be found here

The full wording to championships registration

Schedule of 2019 Championship Registrations


1st November 2019 all sailors welcome


Teams must register on site during the times indicated. *
Failure to do so will result in the entry being awarded to another team or entry may not be accepted.
1st Nov 10:00 – 16:00 Hobie 16 Masters
5th Nov 10:00 – 16:00 Hobie 16 Great Grand Masters (limited availability)
Hobie 16 Grand Masters (limited availability)
Hobie 16 Women (limited availability)
Hobie 16 Youth (limited availability)
8th Nov 13:00 – 16:00 Hobie 16 Open Qualifiers (limited availability)
10th Nov 10:00 – 16:00 Pre-qualified teams seeded for Hobie 16 Open Semi-Finals
*Schedule is subject to change. Teams must register on site during the times indicated. Failure to do so will result in the entry being awarded to another team

At registration competitors are required to bring any crew corrector weights if required to meet class minimum crew weight as verified by the official championship’s scales.

Competitors shall also bring their life jacket/PFD that complies with IHCA General Class Rule 8.1 to the registration for inspection.


The IHCA will announce the promo-code to be used for booking your accommodation with South Seas Island Resort after Sept. 7, 2018 EDT.

Sign up to the Hobie 16 World Championships mailing list so you don’t miss out on any important Hobie 16 World Championships updates!

South Seas Island Resort is not your standard resort, it’s a self-contained destination resort so there are some special considerations to keep in mind.

South Seas Island Resort FAQ

The IHCA, in conjunction with the South Seas Island Resort, has put together a special resort package which offers a reduced accommodation cost, reduced resort fees, and many other extras to make your Hobie 16 Worlds an event to remember.

Do I make my reservation directly with the resort?

Yes, starting September 7, 2018 AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time) Use this date time converter to find out when these hours occur in your timezone. Receive discounted rates on your room and resort fees by using the event promo-code (when announced). A credit card will be required to reserve your stay. Deposits are 100% refundable, up to 14 days prior to your first day of arrival. Please refer to South Seas Island Resort for full details regarding fees, deposits, refunds, and billing.

Benefits of booking at the resort using the Promo-Code:

  • Using the promo-code, the resort fee is reduced to $19 (plus tax) per room (1BR $19/2BR $38/3BR $57) per night. Instead of the normal $19 (plus tax) per person per day resort fee.
  • Using the promo-code, a room credit (not a discount) of $25/day (1BR-Hotel Room), $50/day (2BR), $75/day (3BR). Your room credit may be used for any onsite meals, beverages, activities, etc. Your room credit will be added from your final bill upon check out based on the number of days you stay at the resort.

Can I stay off-site?

Yes – but it is not the preferred way. Captiva Island is a very small area and very isolated. Most homes nearby are private and if you rent one you WILL NOT have access to all of the resort amenities.

If you stay off site, totally, you will be charged a daily resort fee to be able to get to the event. If you stay on the mainland in Ft. Myers it is at least a 1 hour drive time to the island and a bridge fee every time you go over it.

Additional costs incurred by booking elsewhere:
  1. Resort Access/Parking Fee for Hobie Racers NOT staying on South Seas Island Resort complex:  $15.00 (plus tax) per car, per day.
  2. Resort Access/Parking Fee for Spectators/Non Race Hobie guest – $25.00 (plus tax) per car, per day.
  1. For Hobie 16 Worlds attendees who book rooms outside the contract and utilise AirBnB, or others, but still remain inside the South Seas Island Resort complex: should you want access to anything other than Sunset Beach Race Activities you will be charged an additional $150.00 (plus tax) per person, per day additional fee.

ADVICE – STAY at the resort

You will be hard pressed to find anything more reasonable or convenient. Look into a 2 or 3 bedroom condo and share with friends – this is the most economical and you will have a full kitchen to cook in. Again if you stay off site you will be charged a daily entry fee to the resort.

South Seas Island Resort Accommodation

ROOM Group Room Rate
Harborside Guestroom $179 USD per/day
1 Bedroom Tennis Villa $179 USD per/day
1 Bedroom Bayside Villa $179 USD per/day
1 Bedroom Beach Villa $189 USD per/day
2 Bedroom Tennis Villa $229 USD per/day
2 Bedroom Beach Villa $249 USD per/day
2 Bedroom Marina Villa $289 USD per/day
3 Bedroom Bayside Villa $299 USD per/day
3 Bedroom Beach Villa $324 USD per/day

Taxes are NOT regulated by the hotel.Federal/State/City/Local taxes are 11%. Prices listed are exclusive of tax. Taxes are added to your final bill.

In summary a (simplified) final bill will include the following:

  • The daily room rate of your accommodation,
  • Plus $19 per bedroom per day,
  • Plus 11% taxes.

Upon arrival you will be asked for a credit card to be on file.  South Seas Island Resort is a CASHLESS resort and all items will be charged to your credit card. At check-out the credit card, or deposit, you provided will be charged.  If you do not have a credit card, or wish to have one used, a deposit will needed to be made upon check-in. If your deposit was not fully used it will be fully refunded upon check-out.

Resort Lay-out

The closest rooms to the sailing venue are the Harborside Guestrooms and the 2 Bedroom Marina Villas. These are within walking distance of the sailing venue. The hotel rooms only have a mini-fridge and do not have cooking facilities.

There are also Beachside Cottages and Houses of Distinction. The pricing for the Beachside Cottages and Houses of Distinction needs to be requested ASAP as they are VERY limited. Please contact Lori Mohney at for details of the Beachside Cottages and Houses of Distinction.

The 1/2/3 bedroom Condos (Bayside/Beachside/Tennis) are on other parts of the resort. It is a short walk and there is a trolley (lots of room) that loops around the resort continually. They will have an extra trolley in the mornings and afternoons of the event so your wait will not be long. There are stops marked all over the resorts – all convenient to whatever condo you choose to stay in. The walk one way is around 3/4 of a mile from the furthest point away from the beach.

There are bikes and golf carts also available for rental for your entire stay (or bring your own bikes). Many local vendors will deliver bikes to your door for your stay for a very reasonable fee.

Hobie banquets/parties will be held on both sides of the resort.

22nd Hobie 16 World Championship Announced

The International Hobie® Class Association (IHCA), is excited to announce the 22nd Hobie 16 World Championship, 1st November – 16th November 2019, in Captiva Island, Florida, USA. Sailors from around the world will be competing in three world championship disciplines: Women’s, Youth and Open and three additional disciplines; Masters Cup, Grand Masters Cup and Great Grand Masters Cup.

A sponsorship agreement between The Beaches of Fort Myers and Sanibel Island in Lee County, Florida and the IHCA has been signed. The IHCA has also concluded an agreement with the host hotel, South Seas Islands Resort, Captiva Island, Florida.

The IHCA has expended considerable effort to secure the event and is proud to announce a Hobie 16 World Championships is returning to the USA, after 35 years of events being held in other beautiful locations worldwide.

The Hobie 16 World Championships is the only sailboat class in the world to supply brand-new identical boats, for all competitors to race. Hobie Cat Company will provide the boats that will be used exclusively on the race course located just off Sunset Beach, at the north end of Captiva Island. This ensures that the world champions are the best sailors, not just the sailors with the most expensive equipment.

“We are sure when the Hobie sailors from around the world visit Fort Myers, their beaches and Captiva Island, they will be impressed and keep coming back for their holidays for many years, said Rich McVeigh, IHCA president.

Doug Skidmore, CEO of Hobie Cat Company, whose team supply and maintain all the boats to ensure the fairest competition for the sailors, is looking forward to bringing the championship back to the U.S. – especially Southwest Florida.

“Fort Myers and the South Seas Island Resort are a perfect location for the Hobie 16 World Championships,” Skidmore said. “The water, white sandy beaches, weather, people and location offer some of the best sailing conditions I have seen. As a company, we are proud to be a major part of these world championships.’

The event information will be accessible on the International Hobie Class Association and the Hobie 16 Worlds websites and will include dates, locations, host accommodations and other relevant details of the event. For all information regarding the 22nd Hobie 16 World Championships please visit our website

We’d like to thank the following sponsors and contributors; The Beaches of Fort Walton & Sanibel, South Seas Island Resort, Offshore Sailing School, Liros Unlimited Rope Solutions, Allied Portables, Captiva Cruises, Sunny Island Adventures, Wicked Dolphin Distillery, Sanibel & Captiva Chamber of Commerce. Others interested in becoming a sponsor, please email

logo hobiecatcompany fortmyersandsanibel

The International Hobie Class Association (IHCA), exemplifies the “Hobie Way of Life”, a tradition that Hobie Alter started over 50 years ago. It organizes championships and promotes numerous Hobie catamarans events worldwide for all ages. As well as, maintaining a worldwide standard for their one-design class rules, communicates, encourage and fosters the enjoyment of the sporting, competitive and recreational aspects of all Hobie sailing.

Download PDF of Press Release

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